Contact Us

Thornhill Medical Centre (TMC)
18 Centre Street, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada L4J 1E9
Main 905-889-3634
Fax 905-889-3986
Secure Email for Our Registered Patients– click here:
Using the above link, send the clinic a non-urgent secure email. Note that it will require you to input your name, date of birth, and health card number. Do not use this link for urgent or emergency advice. Do not use this form to request a prescription refill.
Effective April 30, 2023 Health Myself /Pomelo is no longer available.
Email for General Inquiries:
This email is used to ask general administrative inquiries. Please do not send any confidential information to this email since this email is not secure or regularly monitored. For more information, please review our Email Policy.
Click here to Book an Appointment
To Request a Prescription Renewal:
Please ask your pharmacist to fax your doctor a refill request of your medication. You may have refills that are not listed on your bottle. Please allow 5 days’ response time for renewals by fax. For some regular medications, your pharmacist may be able to advance you some doses if you are running out very soon. For urgent or same day refill requests, a 30$ fee will apply.
The nearest main intersection to TMC is Yonge Street and Centre Street in Thornhill. Our facility consists of 2 buildings, side by side, located on Centre Street one block north of John Street just west of Yonge Street.
Our main building is 18 Centre Street. Enter from the rear, facing the parking lot.
We are also seeing patients at the building next door 24 Centre Street, accessible from the same parking lot. The entrance is facing Centre Street. There is a ramp leading to the entrance also from the parking lot.
Parking at our office is for short-term use only. Parking is very limited during daytime hours. Consider transit, taxi or walking here. You may also find a public lot near the local park further north along Old Yonge Street (just east of our building). Parking is also available on nearby side streets.