Uninsured Services

There are various services we provide which are not covered by OHIP. Payment is due at the time the service is completed. For your convenience, we accept Cash, Cheque, Debit and Visa. The fee will depend on what service is provided and the amount of time necessary to complete it. Some of the more common services and fees can be found on this page. We follow the Ontario Medical Association Schedule of Fees in setting our rates. Fees listed here may be subject to change. Please feel free to discuss these with your doctor if you have any concerns about your ability to pay.
Transfer of Your Medical Record to Another Facility or Physician:
$60 per individual, $120 per family. A larger fee may be required depending on the record.
$60 per individual, $120 per family. A larger fee may be required depending on the record.
Appointments with an invalid/expired Ontario healthcare card (fee to be charged to patient if a valid healthcare/version code is not presented within 1 month of the service date):
$100 for regular appointments
$150 for periodic health exams
Prescription refills urgently requested or same day refill: $30
- Back to work note, sick note: $30
- School or camp form completion: $30 (plus examination fee)
- Immunization record updates and completion of forms for work/school: $30-50
- Medical Letters requested for Insurance Coverage of Massage Therapy, Physiotherapy, Chiropractor, Orthotics, Orthopedic Shoes, Compression Stockings: $30
- Insurance forms for drug authorization: $30
- Daycare forms: $20
- Pap smears not covered by OHIP: $60
- Ministry of Transport Driver’s Medical: $180 total (includes form and examination)
- Travel Trip Cancellation Form: $35
- Disability Certificate (form OCF 3/59): $150
- Other Disability Forms $35-45
- Revenue Canada Federal Disability Tax Credit: $100
- Retirement Home Entrance Forms: $45
- Other medical forms or assistance in completing other forms: $25-50
Cosmetic Procedures of the Skin:
- Liquid nitrogen $40+
- Removal of benign moles, benign lumps and bumps $100-150, or hourly rate, as determined by physician
Nursing Services:
Wound dressing supplies $10-30
Health Advice / Immunization for Purpose of Travel:
$60 plus cost of immunizations
More info about Travel Vaccines and Travel Advice
Uninsured Vaccinations:
- Havrix (Hepatitis A only): $95/dose Adults, $65/dose Children and Teens; 2 doses required
- Engerix-B (Hepatitis B only): $50/dose Adults; 3 doses required
- Twinrix (Hepatitis A and B): $100/dose Adults, $75/dose Children and Teens; 3 doses required
- Gardasil-9 (HPV vaccine): $220/dose, 3 doses required
- Menveo (Meningitis Vaccine): $140/dose, 1 dose required
- Bexero (Meningitis B vaccine): $165/dose
- Shingrix (Shingles vaccine): $185/dose, 2 doses required; for those age 65-70y MOH provides this free, some conditions apply; for those born in 1949-1953 – temporary extended Shingrix MOH free coverage until Dec 31, 2024
- Prevnar 20 for adults: $150/dose, 1 dose required (Covered by MOH for some patients, ask your doctor* new for 2024)
- Arexvy RSV vaccine: $310/dose, each dose lasts up to 3 years (Covered by MOH for Nursing home and retirement home residents* new for 2024)
- TB skin testing required for work or volunteer purposes: 35-60$ plus fee for form
- Nurse Administration of travel vaccines $20 (eg. Typhim vaccine)
- Fees subject to change